SPREE 3 ENDS~ Stay tuned for Spree4 which'll be up this week!
Spree 3 starts from 26/4/07 till 6/5/07!!!Last order and payment will be accepted by 6/5/07.Sprees will end by the deadline, or when individual spree meets a quota of 12 orders.Happy shopping! ^_^
*For info on ordering, pls view "how to shop" on the left navigator.Feel free to mailu us too! 10q~
Spree 3a
Cutely (updated: 1/5/07 @ 1959)
Status: spree cancelled.
Dear belles, m* y has just checked out Cutely's site and realised that they just announced that they'll be shifting place and hence will not be available till mid-may.Sorry for any inconvenience caused to belles, if u wld like this spree to be opened in the future, do let us know. 10Q~ In replacement , we'll have Puffy as follow:
Spree 3a
Status: CLOSED
Spree 3b-1
Beauty treasure1 (this site will have new items on 1/5 nite!!check it out!)
Spree 3b-2
beauty treasure2
*orders from both shops can be combined.
Status: CLOSED
Spree 3c-1
Fashion lala (this site will have new items on3/5! do check it out!)
Spree 3c-2
Man’s Shop
*orders from fashion lala and man’s shop can be combined.
Status: CLOSED
Spree 3d (accessories)
Colorful Ball
Status: CLOSED
[calculation of items are as follow:
NT/20 + $4 or NT/20 + $5
*for studs/rings: handling+shipping+normal postage = $4
*for necklaces/scrunchies/bangles/key chains/hp straps/purse/socks: handling+shipping+normal postage = $5]
*order format will the same as other sprees.
*for reg. postage, pls add $2 to the grand total. ^_^
m* y; |01:28|
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